As Catholics we are called to grow in our faith in a lifelong process beginning at birth and continuing through the end of life. CCD provides many programs and activities both, formal and informal, which will enable all to grow in their faith and exercise their Christian discipleship in the world. To inquire about any of the following Christian education programs and opportunities, please contact Linda Black at the Parish Office (330-637-4886).
The goal of the CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) program for children is education in the Catholic Faith. The CCD program ministers to children ages grades one through eight. Through formal catechesis, students will grow in their knowledge and understanding of their Catholic Faith.
Grades One through Eight
These CCD classes are designed for students in grades one through eight who do not attend a parochial school.
CCD classes are offered September through April
Sunday – 9:40 a.m. ~ 11:00 a.m.