A team of parishioners who offer support and comfort with those who are in bereavement following the death of a loved one. Funeral luncheons are part of this ministry as a way of offering parish support and comfort to families at the time of death of a loved one.
Members collaborate for parish projects relating to the church and parish grounds.
Applications for graduating seniors are taken and scholarships are awarded near the end of each school year.
This committee concerns itself with the financial and stewardship matters of the parish. It’s purpose is to collaborate with the pastor in the administration of the parish’s funds and to insure fiscal responsibility and appropriate stewardship.
Enhances spiritual life and worship through organizing and overseeing activities that impact the liturgical life of the parish.
After meeting with Father Furlong each engaged couple is assigned an appropriate sponsor couple or a marriage preparation retreat hosted by the Youngstown Diocese. This activity includes recruiting sponsor couples and making sure they are trained in the marriage preparation process with the latest material via our local diocese
The parish choirs and music ministers serve as part of the liturgical ministry and offer their talents and voices in ministry to the parish.
Parish Council is notified by the parish office of all new parishioners including name, age, marital status, address, children and employment info. We reach out to new members with a phone call and welcome letter and info packet about our parish.
The chief consultative body of the parish, this group aids the pastor in the administration, planning and leading the parish. It’s purpose is to collaborate with the pastor in carrying out and promoting the Gospel message and life of Christ.
Held in August on parish grounds and is open to everyone wishing to attend
Members of prayer chain committee pray for anyone in need of prayer for any reason.
Meet once a week to design and sew and quilt a beautiful quilt. Tickets to win are sold throughout the year and winning ticket is picked at the parish picnic.
Usually help in April and October. Donations are taken from around the community
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for persons interested in becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Typically begins in the fall of the year and culminates on Holy Saturday.
The purpose of the St Robert safety committee is to ensure a safe, healthy, and welcoming environment for all worshipers and visitors. The safety committee examines possible barriers to the health and well-being of the St. Roberts parish community and makes recommendations and implements strategies, processes, and physical changes to the buildings and grounds to ensure that everyone is safe on our parish campus. We explore such things as the safety of our celebrant and worshipers during mass and other gatherings, parking concerns, coordination with local fire and law enforcement officials, preparedness of emergency medical supplies such as the AED and first aid kits. We also provide training to volunteer and paid staff in the use of safety equipment and first response protocol in event of emergencies. We participate in diocesan and local safety meetings and activities.
Usually held at a weekend Mass. Check bulletin for time and availability.
The gathering, reflection and action of men and women who are compelled to work for a more just and equitable community and world.
Food is prepared and served by parish members once a month to all that come to St. Vincent de Paul dining hall.
Guided by faith and rooted in Catholic social teaching invites people or parishes to partner with families to support, encourage and empower them. St Robert’s currently sponsors a person from Columbia and one from the Phillipines
People single for any reason that meet once a month for social activities, fellowship and good times.